Getting Over Him

He dumped me for someone else. He was my first love, first kiss, and first make out He cheated on me, lied to me, claimed I did a lot of crap to him that I never did. It’s been a month and I’m still crying. Please help? I can’t stand the depression, the pain.

Answer #1

You’re in love with a fantasy. Something he pretended to be. It’s hard to let go of that. Allowing yourself to grieve is the first step. You hoped for something amazing, and your dreams crashed. That is painful. So you give yourself some time. Then you keep yourself distracted while your heart mends.

Answer #2

He dumped me for someone else. He cheated on me, lied to me, claimed I did a lot of crap to him that I never did.

More than enough reason to get over it… your ex is obviously an a*sshole. You’re wasting your time, energy, and emotions on a prick who never deserved to be with you in the first place…

So… GET… OVER… IT… and… MOVE… ON…

This is life in the real world. And in the real world there are LOTS of assholes. Its not YOUR fault that you can’t distinguish the assholes from the good people (yet). It’ll probably happen again. You need to understand that, and learn from the experience.

Answer #3

Heres the thing, he was really sweet and nice for every month we spent together. He started acting like that on the last month. I’m really sad, and I don’t know how to get over him… because I’m still hurt really badly… I know he’s a ashole, I’ve been told that by all of my friends. But I did love him. I don’t know how to get over it.

Answer #4

I no how you feel…u just haveta move on he was obviously a piece of shit and he clearly didnt care if he cheated..find someone whose worth yer time. stop dwelling on the past. hes an assshole he wont get anywhere with girls like that -.-

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