Getting High

Ok I know this is Bad for young Folks like me But Me and my friend the other night got bored and smoked some weed and got high and to tell the truth im 15 but it was just bored and then my Sisters friend put some purple stuff in it and started to pass it around but I didn’t take it because I had a bad feeling it was some type of drug thats bad but I don’t know if im wrong so if you have any thoughts on what it might be can you tell me?

Answer #1

it wasz probably a different type of weed (chronic) gets you hish faster =]

Answer #2

Far too often, starts off innocent and before you know it you’re on a nowhere, could care less about anything, road in life.

Answer #3

Illegal drugs discussion is not allowed here..

My advice, stay away from it all.

Answer #4

lol fag. it mite not be illegal where shes from!!! like california.

Answer #5

No! Don’t. I did some stuf that was laced and it is bad news. Trust your instincts and your conscience hun.

Answer #6

No! Don’t. I did some stuf that was laced and it is bad news. Trust your instincts and your conscience hun.

Answer #7

No! Don’t. I did some stuf that was laced and it is bad news. Trust your instincts and your conscience hun.

Answer #8

No! Don’t. I did some stuf that was laced and it is bad news. Trust your instincts and your conscience hun.

Answer #9

No! Don’t. I did some stuf that was laced and it is bad news. Trust your instincts and your conscience hun.

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