Getting beer home safely

Short version: I have a motorbike with a box on the back and use that to bring home beer but when I get home some of the bottles are always broken? Any suggestions to try to help?

Long version:I have a motorcycle that has a givi box on the back, and the only way to transport beer is via motorcycle. (Or scooter but thats worse) I have no car. Yet I want my well deserved beer intact. On the motorcycle, I can even fit a 24 pack in there (just). The other thing is I live away from everybody so I can’t really ask them if they can help me get beer home safely.

You see, my issue is with the beer bottles breaking. Now I want bottles because when it is out of a can I often can taste an ever so slight metallic tinge added. So it must be bottles. I live a bit out of the city. The nearest place to get any sort of beer is at least 15 minutes away. The problem is,whenever I get home, AT LEAST 1 bottle is broken, and the box is filled with beer that used to be inside a bottle.

Just about an hour ago, I went to buy beer from the inner city (at least 25 mins drive, a good 30 if I stick to speed limit) and obviously had the motorbike. When I got home (it was a 12 pack of ICE beer) all I had was a 10 pack of ice beer plus a box partly filled with the spilt beer. Now I have broken glass in there (hard to clean out without hurting yourself).

Any suggestions/tips to try so that my beer gets home intact?

Answer #1

Hey Stop andsmelltheroses, I think you have given me a brilliant solution!!! I think I may try that.

I don’t build stuff often, what would one make this special compartment from? Maybe some sorta wood in a bunch of squares with bubble wrap in each suare, and the wood pieces tall enough so the bottles won’t smack and break each other?

And Ramboe, I have access to a massive f**kload of bubblewrap (computer technician) which is way more protective than shopping bags. I doubt shopping bags would so much to protect. It’s too hard wrapping a 12 pack yet a 24 pack in shopping bags going though the box considering most packs ont have botles showing, the whole thing is wrapped in one huge box if you get me. I actually already thought of this but couldn’t figure out how to do it without wrapping each individual bottle each time. You cant just go x axis of pack then why axis as they would hit one another. Good try though as this is as far as I got with a few days of thinking!!! (and you did this in minutes)

Answer #2

This is from my husband:

He says “If you ever get a 24 pack of beer home that is intact then get a sheet of Styrofoam and push down on top of the bottles (to get imprint). Then cut out holes so it will be the same size as bottle necks. Place down over your next 24 pack, you should be able to reuse this invention”.

Good luck

Answer #3

How about wrapping the individual bottles in shopping bags? It would still be a bit of a hassle, but it would not be as expensive as using bubble wrap. Or, you could just stuff the shopping bags between the bottles in the case of beer, that way they may not bang against each other, and you wouldn’t have to take the time to wrap each individual bottle.

Answer #4

Most of the time it;s night so I go slower than 80kmph (speed limit in half of journey) because headlight sucks and I can’t see ahead very far at all. (safety concern)

I could wrap the 24 pack itself in bubblewrap BUT: Whether I take bottles out of box or leave them in box they smash against each other either way so bubblewrap wouldnt help unless I wrapped each individual bottle.

Which is kind of annoying.

Good try though!! Thanks for reply

Answer #5

Stopandsmelltheroses, if I were to make individual beer bottle carriers it would be halarious!!! But it would damage the bike more than anything. It would have devastating effects on bike handling (handling on a bike way more important than a car mind you) and resale value. So I dont really want to weld 24mpieces of metal strips and circles to my daily commuter hehe

Great creativity though!!! And it WOULD make a funny Youtube video!!!

Answer #6

buy cans!

Answer #7

maybe drive a little slower ;)

is there enough room to wrap the 24pack into bubblewrap and put it in the box?

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