gettin over you first love

Why is gettin over you first love so hard? I’ve tried so hard to get over my Ex boyfriend and it just isnt working.. im awful… if he has other girls in his screename I immediatly get upset! Me and him have been through so much! and I no that he has treated me like crap at times but I have 2! hes the first boy I really loved and never thought he would like me too! but when he did I was soo happy! I think ther will always be something with us 2.. we always text and talk! will it get easier or will I always love him? I dont want my life to revolve around him… because if hes moving on then why cant I? please help!!

Answer #1

First loves will always be a part of you….and I’m sure you will be a part of him if you were his first love too…it’s just something you don’t forget…all those first experiences just don’t go away…it’s very natural. But as you move on and meet others you will find a new love….and with time the love you hold for the first will fade (but you will always have those memories).

At least you still talk to your ex….my ex broke up with me 11 months ago after a full year together….it was not expected..he just exploded one day…and still couldn’t tell me the real reason. We see each other still almost every day not by choice but because we share an activity together. I made many attemps to talk to him….and for some reason he still can’t speak to me unless its out of necessity…. but he does his best to avoid me and any eyecontact… I don’t think he has fully moved on yet either…so it’s a first love thing and it effects everyone. Take care…and I hope a new love will come along and sweep you off your feet soon!

Answer #2

Thanks for all your answers guys, yea your all right… i need 2 try moving on and i no its not gonna b easy but im gona give it my best shot! i need to accept thats its over and that hes moving on! and who knows what the future will bring! thanks again.

Answer #3

well the onlii thing i can say is stop talkin to him so much like keep ur distance wit out losin a friend (him) like try to like stay away sum more than wat u r and justtry to think about other boiis it worked for me and my 1 love live 2 doors up from me and now we r friends and nothin more so if i can do it i kno u can

Answer #4

first is first, and all first is memorable! its normal sweetie. soon you will be ok, i dont mean u can forget totally but u can go on with life bringing that thoughts with u.anyways its helpful.

Answer #5

It will def get easier over time, you just have to relax and give yourself some time and space, it doesnt help that you speak to him all the time becos you cant put your feelings to rest, if you truly want to start moving on you need to take a step back and not speak to him as much.

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