Gettin nervous before a piercing.

Do ya’ll get nervous before a piercing? And how do you stay calm.. Because I always get super nervous, and somewhat scared.

Answer #1

Just have someone there to hold your hand. That’s what I do. It may sound childish, but hey…

Answer #2

Of course, im like most of the people, I do get nervous before getting a piercing.

Normally I’ll just breathe in and breathe out. Keep reminding myself that my pain tolerance is very high.

Oh well, it works for me.

Answer #3

when I was 14 I got my first two tattoos when I was 15 I got a third tattoo my belly and my tong pierced all those time I just had a HEY LETS DO THIS ATTITUDE…and at 18 I got my tragus dun and I was nervous as hell but I still went thru with it and I also got a new tattoo and I wasnt nervous and im about to be 19 and im about to get yet another tattoo and im xcited…good luck

Answer #4

nope… just think… “im not going to die” “im not going to die” “im not going to die” “im not going to die” “im not going to die” “im not going to die” “im not going to die”

Answer #5

I do get nervous so when I go in the shop to get it done I just breath and I trust the piercer and then everything is ok. :)

Answer #6

no because I know its all in my head. I just get pumped and am like ‘bring it!’

Answer #7

LOL!! Hahaa I want get my self pierced too.!! I’ve been to town, and just walked away and was like no im not going in LOL! but im defo gona goo Next Timee, im just gonna Take a Big Deep Breathe LOL! and be like im not ggona be aafraid and then think how goo dit iwll look on me and then just carry on walking :P

Answer #8

i got nervous before i got the top of my pierced but when she did it , it didnot hurt at all .

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