Get the girl

How do I get the girl of my drams if she is never single. We have ben bfs for 3 years. 2 tell ya the truth im in love with her.

Answer #1

well that’s hard 2 tell you the truth but all I can say is try to find out if she likes you in that way (even through she may be dateing another guy she can still have feelings 4 u) and if so tell her how you feel (u might not want 2 tell her your in luv with her through) because she might think that you don’t like her in that way so she dates these other guyz but I wish you the best of luck with her who ever she is (lol) hope I helped a lil :-)

Answer #2

my advice yo yu would be if yu love her tell her dont let some guy get in they way of someone yu love because love is really strong. and tell her in person because txting or eamiling shows yu ahve a gaurd up and thts not good.

Answer #3

Just go for it! If you want her, let her know.

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