Get over his past

ok so me and my Fiance have been together for almost a year and me and him have been fighting like non stop its because I constantly accuse him of missing his ex girlfriend. the only reason I do is because when me and him first got together I couldnt even listen to certain songs or we couldnt go certain places because he as either been there with his ex or it reminds him of her. but now he says that things are different than they used to be… I don’t know what to do someone tell me what to do..

Answer #1

does he tell you those places or songs remind him of her?

Answer #2

Your insecurity will literally drive him out the door …there’s no way to just “get over” being insecure, but there are ways of “appearing” to getting over it. The best part of this “appearance” is that once you’re working on it, the insecurity does start to fade…basically, it’s a “fake it till you make it” theory…

Even if you’re feeling insecure, and looking for him to bandaid that, use will power to just stay quiet…the longer your work on this, the easier it will be to do. He won’t know what’s going on inside you at every moment of the day…and that’s GOOD.

I’m sure that you’re aware that you don’t feel the same as you did one year ago…so take heart that he doesn’t either…It’s YOU who’s keeping his ex alive, not him.


Answer #3

Stop accusing him of things. TALK to him about it calmly, but never ACCUSE, because that causes him to get defensive, which makes for a bigger problem. If you say “I know you say you don’t miss her, but I’m feeling really worried and paranoid that you do because when we first started dating… etc…” and hopefully he will be able to convince you otherwise. Just telling him he does miss her and getting mad about it will only make him angry- listen to hear what he has to say before you accuse him of anything.

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