What's your opinion on gay rights?

We all have our own opinions on Gay-Homosexual rights. Whats Yours? I’m just curious, and I love a good arguement. If you can argue your case… I’d love to hear it!

Answer #1

THERE HUMAN BEINGS AND THEY NEED TO START BEING TREATED LIKE THAT give basic rights to gays it like if somebody took away your rights you would be pissed

Answer #2

I am a married bisexual woman. I am a SUPPORT GAY,BISEXUAL,INTERACIAL COUPLES~ LOVE=LOVE!!! age,race and sexual desires has nothing to with love! I think they should be able to get married, adopt, get benifits from work and have the same rights as the straities

Answer #3

^^ First of all animals can’t CHOOSE to have sex or not. Therefore it would not be a right for animals and would actually be animal abuse.

Second of all if you’re going to make “”special groups for homosexuals”” an argument then I would hate to know your stance on minority races and religions and THEIR groups.

xox Sika

Answer #4

I don’t see why homosexuals should be treated any differently to straight people- they’re still people, who they love doesn’t make them any less of a human being.

I’ve always liked the phrase “Let the homosexuals marry- why should straight people be the only ones to suffer?”

Answer #5

I can’t believe that the US of all countries hasn’t come to terms with gay/homosexual rights… and it’s almost 2008??? All peoples regardless of race, religion, disability OR SEXUAL PREFERENCE should be treated with the same freedoms as everyone else.

Answer #6

I third that. I think that also includes the right to civil marriages. If a church doesn’t want to perform a gay union, that is its right (separation of church and state), but civil ceramonies, with all the rights (and responsibilities) of marriage should be allowed.

Answer #7

They’re just like everyone else, but with their own sexual preference. And why should that matter? If people were able to almost overcome rascism, than why not this?

And I say almost, because there are still some haters out there..

Answer #8

some people, come on now, why is there even a thread on it, it was bound to invite some ridiculous comments- yep a raging gay is ridden with dirty sexual diseases and much much more bacteria and virus carrying cells than a ‘normal’ person- yes normal of course being straight! hmmm. my brother is gay, I object highly to the assumption he is more likely to have an STI than me or the girl next door, I could be a right hoe, he is old enough to know that thing called a condom is used for the prevention of things.its like saying a skanky trailer trash is more likely to get pregnant- oh no hold on that is right. if your well educated your all good and clever.

Answer #9

You aren’t necessarily more or less likely to get an STI simply if you are homosexual- if you have intercourse with someone of the same or different gender as you, you’re just as likely to contract an STI (yhey aren’t called Sexually Transmitted Diseases anymore, as many are just Sexually Transmitted Infections). The difference is simply whether you use condoms- they are most likely to protect you from such things.

And I don’t think the world would end is everyone were gay- it would be seen as ‘normal’ , so there wouldn’t be a problem. Not to mention, scientists are able to fertilise eggs in labs, and there is evidence to suggest sex cells taken from 2 women can produce viable offspring. Biological science is advancing daily, it’s only a matter of time before these options are available.

Answer #10

oh and if everybody were gay the world would end and i know that don’t make it wrong just saying. And ur more likely to get STD if ur a homosxual. In some countries in europe if u say u don’t think homosxualty is right u could go to jail or pay a high fine. i believe soon in the US we can’t say nothing aginst it anymore…so much for freedom of speech.

Answer #11

yeah well there are quite a number of people who believe in animal relationships who are famous and teachers and like i said countries are trying to make it legal. I’m not a racist and u can have or not have any religion u wona. I know some people who are gay and we get along fine. I don’t talk to them about it and would not say nothing against them unless they ask me specifically what i think. Since i don’t know people on here and somebody asked i give my opinion.

Answer #12

well i don’t think we should treat them different in nthe sence of bulling htme or somehting…but if it’s ok to be a homosxual than why not have relationship with dead people or animals. sounds sick animals but Peter Singer a ethics professer at princeton uni. believes that it should be made legal to have sxual relaytinships with animals…and in some countries in europe are trying to make the animal thing legal. PLus poeple soon lose the freedom to speak against it, it is illegal in a lot of countries in europe. And i dthink homosxuals are being treated different in a lot of school (ex. thye have special groups for gays , i don’t see any groups for straight people. and tax money goes to this stuff. if they don’t want to be treated different than why all that? i am not trying to bash b and homosuals but thats what i think.

Answer #13

its true that love has no orientation and I think they have every right to be together but at the same time the bible says holy matrimony is between a man and a woman.

I guess its easier to say because im straight but I believe homosexuals should find another way of expressing undying love.

it pains me to say but thats just the way things are.

Answer #14

I don’t think homosexuals care about “”holy matrimony”” they just want the same legal rights as a couple that heterosexuals get.

Answer #15

plus you don’t see any animals being gay or bi

Answer #16

everyone is created equal. everyone should have the same rights, period and I mean period.

Answer #17

“I man is still a man weather his gay,bi,straight,black,white,weather he wears a suit or rages…only difference is weather his good or evil.

Answer #18

Very True

Answer #19

They should have every right heterosexual people have.

No more… no less…

Answer #20

I agree! Nicely Said!

Answer #21

Oh no here we go…I agree with captianassassin

Answer #22

“Hate the sin, love the sinner.” I agree with littleblondie87, holy matrimony should be between a woman and a man. But just because people are gay doesn’t mean that we should hate them. But to just answer the question plainly, I don’t think that gays should be allowed to marry. If it was up to me, they wouldn’t even be allowed to date; dating/courtship/marriage would be solely between man and woman. I have more thoughts on this, but I will keep these to myself.

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