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Gay Rights
When someone says ‘gay rights’ what do you think of? Besides marriage.
so jmz10 are straight people sick because they like the opposite sex?
n your laws of nature theory is wrong too because their are sum different species in the animal kingdom that choose 2 mate wit their own sex
marriage, filing taxes together, health insurance together having a child and pretty much everything everyother person out there can do.
When I hear gay rights to ME It means that they should be treated like a normal couple & not like aliens. They should have ALL the rights straight people have.
jmz10 are you serious? Psychopaths come no where near gays. That’s not a good comparison whatsoever. Gays should have the same exact rights as everyone else. Medication is for sick people. Gays are NOT sick. They are who they are. I’m not gay, or bi. But I will fight for their rights. No one deserves to be judged for who they love.
Gay rights!.. there need to be more.
agreed with jmz10. sorry guys! but gay couples shouldnt be treated as horrabley as they are, and they are not phsyco. I just dont think that they should have marital rights because thats been a tradition for ever, and the tradition was a man and women.
gays are just normal people, and there should be no violance against them, but I stil think that marrige should be reserved for men and women together.
no jmz10 it wasnt as shallow as you think you twit I was provin a point you fool and standin up 4 the rights of human beings and the rights of sum of my close friends what gives you or any oohter indivdual the right 2 tell 2 people that are in love they cant be 2gether and dont you dare quesion my reasoning for accepting the titl samurai you have no idea why I chosen dis title I chose dis title because samurais will go 2 great lengths to fiight and protect for what they believe in they believe in a strict code called bushido they were trained to fight and get the job done even if it cost them their lives retreating 4rm such a task would result in the samurai taking their own life I feel that homosexuals have a right 2 b happy and I will stand by 4 what I believe in im not gay I have a wonderful girlfriend whom id die 4 but it pisses me off 2 hear that theses people who havent done sh*t 2 anyone to b deneid the right 2 love ask your self dis how wud you feel if the world or even the country that that stands for freedom and equal rights told you n your lover that you were sick you couldnt b 22gether I stand up 4 wuit I believe in just like the samurais did back in their day
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