Gap Teeth

How do you feel about gaps? My teeth are straight but I have a gap. Some guys like it some think I need braces. Whats your opinion

Answer #1

I don’t know why someone would ever have a problem with how it looks.

Answer #2

I’ve got a friend with a gap between her teeth and she’s gorgeous. Your pictures really pretty :) also you can get a gap in your teeth filled without braces x

Answer #3

It shouldn’t matter what other people think about it - it’s your body and if your comfortable with it - then rock it.

Although, I personally, would have gotten it filled in if I had one. I dont think I could deal with that.

Answer #4

I always think of Lauren Hutton…that gap made her famous…it was her trademark…

The big question is…how do YOU feel about it??


Answer #5

It’s really how ‘you’ feel about it - whatever makes you comfortable with yourself…Take care !!

Answer #6

I always had what is called a “diastema- between my front teeth and always hated it. My daughter also had one and has braces on now.but a lot of her other teeth were screwed up also and it was affecting her bite. She was also up set with the gap in her teeth as well. My parents would not get braces for me all those years ago because it would have been strictly cosmetic, none of my other teeth were out of line like my daiughters were. My parents never really knew how that gap really sapped my self-esteem. Thirty years ago the value of a childs self-esteem wasn’t as popular as it is now.

Again, as the others before me have said, the choice is up to you! Even if you are confident in yourself now, would fixing it make you feel even better about yourself?? Go for what is going to work for u!!! {=

Answer #7

I would say Youu Should get braces because in my opionion I like straight teeth with no gap Xx

Answer #8

Don’t worry about what others will say. the question is how do YOU feel about it? Does it bother you or are you ok with it? If it bothers you, then talk with your dentist about getting braces… but if it doesn’t really bother, then don’t worry about it.

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