funny baby stories..

I know this is random but im curious, what is something your parents told you that you used to do when you were little.. mine was when I had to go number 2 I would like hide under tables and stuff.

what are yours?

Answer #1

haha it must have been easy to pottytrain you

my dad told me when sombody would give me a snack I would hide half of it for later lol

Answer #2

I guess I had a big mouth and when we would go to the movies I would yell at the screen like “Don’t go that way” etc.

Answer #3

I used to have a hyperactivity thing when a was little, and one day me grandma came down and when she left she went to kiss is and a nutted her in the face and popped her nose…eee good times lmao

Answer #4

one time when I was 3 or 2 my dad told that I stole his wallet and brush and threw it in the toliet. another thing he told me is I used to eat random things off the floor or anywhere like put vitamins in my mouth…lol

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