
my boyfriend ex girlfriend swears there going to get back what should I do to let her know its not going to happen?

Answer #1

Sounds to me that she’s only trying to get under your skin and cause problems in your relationship. She wants him back; did he ever say he wanted her back? He’s happy with you and she can’t stand that. Even if they were to get back together, it would be his lost, not yours. Think about they broke up once so its bound to happen again. I think she’s just playing mind games with you to make you get upset, don’t go to her level. You’re better that, just stand confidently by your man. Actions speak louder than words.

Answer #2

Either she is just trying to get to you which you can’t let her do or there really is something going on with your boyfriend and her I would sit down with him and talk about what she has been saying If she is just trying to get to you you can’t let it blow her off and don’t think anything of it just talk to your boyfriend be calm about it and tell him you aren’t assuming that theres something going on you are just curious

Answer #3

How would you know its not going to happen? Maybe she knows something you dont. Talk to your boyfriend…

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