
Does it make me fruity that I wear ablot of rainbow? I am almost always wearing something rainbow, or sometimes my clothes are all rainbow. This kid at school always calls me “fruity tutie” or “fruity loop”

Answer #1

no.. I love the colours of the rainbow!!! I think it’s awesome… when and why did it become a symbol of being gay anyway? I think it’s a stupid idea!!! rainbows aren’t gay!! Rainbows are pretty colours!!

Answer #2

Does’nt really matter what people say or think about you. & unless they are the ones clothing you,then there opinion’s are quite irrelevant. Wear whatever you like & whatever makes you comfortable! :)

Answer #3

Is it Hathaway? What an idiot. Just keep wearing what you feel like wearing and ignore him. He needs to grow up.. Be yourself. ;]

Answer #4

no it just means you like rainbows and stop worrying what others say as long as your happy with what you wear you shouldnt care

Answer #5

no it just means your very colorful and a happy person

Answer #6

Wear what you like. Does it matter what others think?

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