How did you and your best friend meet?

This questsion was inspired by my most amazingbest friend of 10 years, Melinda McPhee. In grade 1 (2002) on Febuary 15 we instanly became bestfireds. It was show and tell and we had both recived the same teddy bear the day before for valentines day from our parents. When we seen this we beccame instant friends. And we have been friends since that day, Through good and bad. Just recently her family actullay took me to Florida for 2 weeks with them :) We are extreamly close and i cant picture my life without her. She made me who i am now :) We have so many memorries, i couldnt even fit them all in a 100 page book :) I love her and i never want to los her <3 So whats your story? whos your best friend, and how did you guys meet? I look forward to your replys :)

Answer #1

I met my best friend in kindergarten, and were still best friends today!!!! I love her!!!

Answer #2

I met my best friend, uhh, well I was like 4, & he was like 7, but he was driving go carts around the neighborhood. & I just kind annoyed him constantly until I got older & we got closer & closer. :P

Answer #3

I met my best friend when I was 11 and she was 12, she used to find me annoyin because I fired a spitwad at her but we became friends after we got stuck together for athletics day

Answer #4

Uh… my schooling group :P

Answer #5

6th grade. He was the new kid in the middle of the year. And I was usually one of the nice people to the new kids at school. We got along well at first, and then really became best friends the next year when we started drawing a comic series. It was a comic that couldn’t possibly take off, but we had fun doing it for a number of years (like a good 3 or 4 roughly) annd now we just help each other out with problems and hang out. I’m the macaroni, and he is the cheese.

Answer #6

I’ve never had a best friend….always kind of been a loner.

Answer #7

I met my best friend in a less traditional way. I was 10 years old and he was 13. It was late at night and me and my father were on the mmorpg game called runescape pking in the wilds. We ran across two guys our level and decided to team up with them. We planned to team up again the next day but we ended up killing one of them, which was my best friends dad. Then after alot of discussion and arguing we finally became friends and still are 7 years later.

Answer #8

My best friend was a neighbors kid. Her mom had to work and my mom was at home. So my mom agreed to have her stay with us every day. She was a baby and I was 2 years older. She was something like the little sister I never had. She came every day for several years. They moved away when we were both in elementary school. But we still visited each other in school holidays. she lives in another country now. We still e-mail and we visit each other.

Answer #9

What about Steven? Yea, he might be your bo, but he’s the person who has been with you the longest and closest.

Answer #10

true. :).

Answer #11

I met my best friend when I was 12 years old. We met while we were doing a show together at school and we were chosen to sing a duet together. We became best friends and have been since. That makes us friends for 11 years now. :-) She moved away, but we still kept contact even though we didn’t see each other as much. We wrote each other letters - yea, snail mail. This was before emails became so easy and cheap. Then me and my family moved and we were closer to her, so we started seeing alot more of each other. And when I got my lisence I started driving myself to go and visit. But then last year she decided to become a chef and moved away again. I haven’t seen her for 6 months now. We were planning on getting together during my holidays, but she found out that she’ll be working then, so I can’t go any more. Hopefully I’ll see her in my September holidays, because I miss her so much. I love her with all my heart and I know we’ll be friends untill we die.

Answer #12

In a forensic biology class at uni. Not long after we started postgraduate study together and we have been really close ever since. There is something about the insanity of postgrad life that really brings people together.

Answer #13

me and my bestfriend met in 4th grade. i hated her soo much. but we worked everything out and we’ve been bestfriends ever since(: She’s awesome! i Love her!

Answer #14

i met him when i was 1 .. cus our mams took us to playgroup :)

Answer #15

I and my best friend met when my dad got transferred and we had to shift to bangalore.She was the first among the neighbors who raised a hand for friendship.

She passed away a few days ago.She is still my best friend even though she is not with me now but I can never forget all the fun and all the things we did together.I am going to miss her for the rest of my life,she was the best.

║█║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█║ Andrew Hall.

Answer #16

the way i met my best friend was thought another friend on the phone ..i was planning on playing a joke on him but as soon as he said hello i fell inlove with him and as i got to know him we became closer and closer ..he makes me so happy and relaxed and just idk lolz but i love the kido XP

Answer #17

the way i met my best friend was thought another friend on the phone ..i was planning on playing a joke on him but as soon as he said hello i fell inlove with him and as i got to know him we became closer and closer ..he makes me so happy and relaxed and just idk lolz but i love the kido XP

Answer #18

the way i met my best friend was thought another friend on the phone ..i was planning on playing a joke on him but as soon as he said hello i fell inlove with him and as i got to know him we became closer and closer ..he makes me so happy and relaxed and just idk lolz but i love the kido XP

Answer #19

me and my best friend met in gr.1 when she was in a fight with someone else…. she wanted to hang out with some else so she hung out with me and my guy friends then we are now very best friends we dont do anything without each other

Answer #20

I have two, actually. One I met in kindergarten and we’ve been close ever since. The other I met only 4 years ago but we practically spent every day together. The best part is that two years ago they both moved away for college, and we’re all still best friends.

Answer #21

i met my best friend parker through school

Answer #22

it was the 9th grade and i had skipped my 6th peroid class. i was hanging around in the bathroom and she came in i thought she was a teacher and i acted like i was washing my hands. she than turned to me and said are you skipping i said yeah why she was all me too you wana walk around its boring in here. and from that day on we became unseperatble.

Answer #23

We met at the school dance. She was the school loser and I was the most popular. We started talking and we had so much in common. So now we are BFF’S.

Answer #24

i was new at school and i just happend to sit next to him during the last period of the day, but i didnt start talking to him till like my third day, and he kept looking at me like he wanted to talk or something and he was best friends with the pple i had become very friendly with…. so i just decided to talk to him and we ended up talking the hole class period and we kept getting yelled at lol and then he kept telling me to sit by him and his friends everytime we went to the library or computer lab for class…. and we ended up dating ….but we broke up and we are still bestfriends :D :D

Answer #25

we meet in the sixth grade gym class the first day we did run walk witch either all girls or all boys at my school there was a guy outside the school fence riding a bike and looking at us then all of a sudden she walks up to me and started talking about how he was a perv and weve been friends ever since were on our way to ninth grade now

Answer #26

thats funny i met my best friend the exact same way becca hawes…weird ;)

Answer #27


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