Have you ever had a good friend move?

have you ever had a really good friend and they told you that they were moving? well I just got told that and I dont know what im going to do with out her.. me and my friend are like sister… what would you do if you were in my place?

Answer #1

Loads of my bestfriends have moved, and sadly I haven’t kept in touch with some of them because I have lost their numbers and one of my other bestfriends moved to Cyprus and I’m sadly not in touch with her anymore but here’s what you can do you can talk to her on msn, phone her, email her or arrange visits every month or so.

Hope this helps x

Answer #2

I have had the same thing my neighbor/best friend for 9 year told me one day that she was moving I was so sad I started crying but we still stay in touch and I think you two should still stay in touch because you cant stop her from moving

Answer #3

I went through that in 7th grade, it ripped me apart especially knowing that I wouldn’t be graduating with her. It’s been almost 8 years since then and I still miss her like crazy, we have our own lives now and both of us have changed. Just make sure you stay in contact; letters, e-mails, phone calls, etc. and have lots of great times with her before she leaves. You should make a scrapbook for her to take of all your memories together.

Answer #4

Keep in touch by email/msn/phone. There’s not a lot that you can do if she has to move, other than doing your best to stay in touch. People have long-distance relationships so you can surely have a long-distance friendship.I’m sure she feels the same as you do, and if you both make the effort you can keep your friendship going for a long time.

Answer #5

I just moved away from my best friends in the entire world. I promise you it will be harder for her. [maybe I’m biased.] KEEP IN TOUCH. :] if you’re really like sisters it shouldn’t be hard to.

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