friend/boy problems

should I tell my friends about by boyfriend because they think he’s really gross, but he’s not like how they think he is, so should I tell them?

Answer #1

Yes, your friends are not going to respect you unless you respect yourself. Be like hey, I like him and you cant change that and its my decision not yours and if you dont like it then thats okay and just dont say anything. Everyone deserves someone and he could be the one so dont let him go because of what someone else thinks, dont talk about him behind his back because he is probably a really sweet guy and you wouldnt want someone to do that to you. Just give the guy a chance and tell him about whats going on too. You will not be doing him any respect if you let your frinds just make fun of him because he is a person too and god made him like that for a reason to make him stronger so people cant balme him for being who he is.

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