
I have this friend that I’ve known since 6th grade, around the middle of last year she started changing. she became friends with people she said she used to hate. she dressed different and her additude changed. butt now I cand stand her! all she she talks about is sex and what she does with guys. I wish she hadnt changed. what can I do to let her know she is making bad decisions. she didnt do all of this before

Answer #1

Tell it to her face.

Answer #2

of course she wasn’t always like that. skanks aren’t born, they’re made. if you don’t like her then let her go. let her know you don’t agree with what she’s doing and you don’t want to watch her self-destruct any further. let her know you’ll always be there if she truly needs you, but you don’t want to be friends. friends come and go and people change. it’s part of life.

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