French homework;Marseilles

Hey!I have a project to do for French class and I need to find out: a.) What summer/winter/spring/autumn activities do people do in Marseille?(e.g-the beach in summer,etc)

b.)What clothes do people in Marseille wear in summer/winter/autumn/spring?Like,sweaters and stuff,but I just want to be sure.

c.)Any Tourist attractions in Marseilles?

d.)What types of food do people eat in Marseilles during summer,winter,spring,autumn?

 Thanx a bunch!!!:-)
Answer #1

a.) What summer/winter/spring/autumn activities do people do in Marseille?(e.g-the beach in summer,etc) Just the normal things… Clubbing (All), Beaches (summer), Snow activites (winter), shopping (all)… Nothing really special here… but they do view more Operas and ballet’s and such, the more classical line of things…

b.)What clothes do people in Marseille wear in summer/winter/autumn/spring? Lol the same as people would anywhere else… you dress for the weather… And its winters are VERY mild, and Summers don’t get as hot…

c.)Any Tourist attractions in Marseilles?

  • Frioul archipelago - it’s this like set of four islands, and on one of them is the Chateau d’If (which was the house used in the Count of Monte Cristo…
  • Centre Bourse - it’s just like the main mall lol…
  • Theres a music conservatory…
  • Theres the Frenc Riviera which is a bit east I think (near Toulon)…
  • In the north a bit there the Garlaban and Etoile mountain ranges…
  • Vieux-Port
  • Fort Saint-Jean
  • L’Olympique de Marseille (for the soccer people)
  • The opera house (Ballet national de Marseille, etc…)
  • La Vieille Charite.
  • The Abbey of St Victor.
  • The Phare de Sainte Marie
  • The Musee d’Histoire
  • The Pierre Puget park.
  • The Hotel-Dieu.
  • The Hotel de Ville (the Town Hall)
  • The Cathedral of Sainte-Marie-Majeure or la Major…

&& I’m pretty sure theres eben more but I can’t think of them…

d.)What types of food do people eat in Marseilles during summer,winter,spring,autumn? Uhmmm theres no specific thing to eat during the seasons… but some of the main foods are :::

  • Pastis (beer)
  • Fougasse (bread)
  • Aïoli (sauce)
  • Tapenade (paste)
  • Bouillabaisse (fish soup)
  • Anchoïade (paste)
  • Panisse (pastry)
  • Navette (biscuit)
  • Bourride (fish dish)
  • Pieds-paquets (meat dish)


Hope this helps =]

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