Getting rid of freckles?

… ok I’ve got freckles, and I hate them. I know you can’t really see them in my pics but omg they are a curse!! they are on my face and arms and I dont mind the arms but I want them off my face. the only way to do that though is througha surgery and I have to wait till I’m 16 to get that. in the mean time waht do I do!? what do you guys think? are they ugly or adorable? cute or nasty?

Answer #1

I used to hate my freckles. I cant cover them up or anything. and when I layout or tan in the tanning bed they get worse. but one day my boyfriend and I were talking about it.. and he started counting them and saying how cute they were. I guess I just dont like them and he does. now im not so self consious about them,

Answer #2

I hate my freckles too… and really if you really want to cover them up use concerler and then cover w/ foundation haha… my mom tells me all the time freckles are cute I think personality only certian people look good in freckles and I am not one of them lol good luck :)

Answer #3

freckles are cute. adorable even. my friend has like a wicked lot of freckles and he’s so handsome, lol. my friend(a girl) has freckles and she’s gorgeous.

I think that freckles are uber-sexy. no matter if yur a guy or girl. most people I know who have freckles are cute. I dont think you shud get them removed.

Answer #4

Personally, I think freckels are bloody adorable. My girlfriend has them, and I couldn’t be happier about that fact. LiLo? Hot with freckles.

And so therein lies the problem – some guys like freckles, some guys don’t, which means no matter what, you are never, ever going to be able to please everyone at the same time, right? Right now, one segment of the population is going to find you cuter than the other, and if you got the freckles removed, those segments would simply switch and you’d be back where you started. So it’s time to start enjoying (and flaunting) what you got and not worry about what you don’t :)

Answer #5

Freckles are adorable, so don’t try and hide them… that’s an order.

Answer #6

Freckles are definitely cute.

Answer #7

Well you cant really blemish freckles. However there are methods to slightly fade them away but that would cost up a lot of money. To be truthful, freckles are cute! I’ve liked a guy that has freckles splashed on his nose and cheeks and I think he looks ssoo cute. There are a lot of things we dont like about our physical image but we should embrace it!

Answer #8

Oh my gosh, I know how you feel. I have freckles too and I would be happier if there weren’t so many or if my freckles lightly dotted my nose and cheeks. In my experience, foundation and any kind of make-up looks cakey, completely noticeable, and unnatural.

I think everyone knows what is best for them and how they really feel. Not having freckles will take nothing away from your uniqueness or personality.

I have found a lot of great products to lighten freckles and any discolorations. Also,if you still like having freckles, you can use these products with less frequency and they will only fade and not disappear forever.


Shiseido has a great skincare line called White Lucent; it sounds weird but it is totally awesome. Although it is expensive, it is worth the money. I use the facewash, which is cheaper than buying the whole line of products. You can get it online at, in your local Sephora or Shiseido store. Here is a link:;jsessionid=TLPDI5RKWZM5ECV0KQRQ5UQ?id=P230402&categoryId=B70

Also, there are cheaper brands like Aveno’s Skin Brightening Scrub and facial cleansers that work but not as well as Shiseido’s. Here is another link:

There are also fade creams and lotions you can use but have chemicals that are controversial and sometimes dangerous. I have never had bad experiences with the brand I use. I buy it at drugstores and it can usually be found in the acne care aisle or the aisle that caters to African American women.


One last option is a facial chemical peel. I heard it burns like hell but the results are astonishing. You can go to a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon.

Sorry this post is so long! I just wish people had told me I had another options than to wait around and get bombarded with freckles for the rest of my life. Lol.

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