Freckles or freakles?

Alright so I hate my freckles so much =( and I need advice as to how to just cover them! I like them on others just not me. I think it dates back to a story my grandpa told me when I was 3 =/. According to him a farmer held a screen to my face and let a cow fart, which resulted into me running to my mom in the bathroom bawling my eyes out and scrubbing my face raw for hours hehehe. But really any advice yall? =)

Answer #1

alright thanks guys =) and pssttt I tried the lemon…doesnt work too well! I just accidently got some of the juice on a zit and yeahhh you can imagine! oww! lol

Answer #2

Freckles are nice looking. My daughter has them and she don’t like them, but has learned to lighten them wearing a small amount of makeup. Now she will not wear make up that completely covers them cause she says she likes how they look when they are light. I think most people that have freckles do not like them, but they are a part of who you are. What I always told my daughter is, freckles are only skin deep, it is what is inside that matters. Learn to love yourself.

Answer #3

I have lots of freckles to, especially when I come back from holiday. My friend calls then Sun Kisses which I thought was quite a nice way to think of them!

Answer #4

Ok, nothing to do with me…but…just found the following on the web…

Covering freckles is a common makeup dilemma! If you have large “clumps”, a light textured concealer - with good coverage (like the Shu Umera pencil concealers - the dual end means you have the ability to blend an exact match). Used sparingly, just enough to cover only the most obvious areas.

Then lightly blend your foundation over the top, (try one shade darker than your natural skintone) to do the rest. Too much foundation will just “cake” and foundation too light or too dark will accent, rather than neutralise.

Feature focus on your fav feature - a tactic to change the area of your attention! Sheer rosy cheek tint looks fab over pale freckled cheeks, while a bronzing stick illuminates more tanned complexions.

Aromatherapy may come to your rescue, as lemon essential oil is an acclaimed lightener - use sparingly so as not to cause skin irritation, but you can apply this oil neat using a cotton tip.

Another natural lightener is onion - however, the smell of this alone tends to keep onion off the ingredients list of cosmetics…

Answer #5

I think freckles look cute! :)

I suspect you will shortly get some advice ref concealer from the girls and similar advice as mine from the guys.

We had a question on this last week and I think that was the general comments but more detailed and helpful than mine. I’m a typical guy, I know nothing about makeup and concealer…lol

…walks away ashamed with head bowed…

Answer #6

I have freckles as well, when I was little I used to HATE them , I thought they were the most awful thing in the world and I would stare at the skin bleaching stuff for skin discolorations at the pharmacy and dream of what the results could be… Truth be told…there is really nothing you can do besides, always wear sunscreen to prevent more freckles and you can minimize them why wearing a light concealer and foundation. I find that if you try to completely cover them you skin tends to look A. Dirty, B. Like you caked make up on…which is essentially what you did. I went and got Bare Minerals make up and you can get the starter kit for about 60 bucks. If you use that, you freckles still show, but barely, and your skin looks healthy and like it doesnt have pounds of make up caked on, not dirty.. Now that Im older..I dont mind them so much, not so many people have them, and they arent obnoxious freckles ..they are small and kind of daintly I guess…and with normal makeup they are barely even noticable..Everyone hates what they have..Cindy Crawford hated her mole..and it make her one of the most famous supermodels. I guess what Im saying is..if you feel uncomfortable with what you have..try to minimize it to a way that you can deal..but dont cover it will look with what you have…and it will work for you.

Answer #7

I have a few freckles too, the way I cover them up is #1 putting on lotion #2 then putting on a base coat (same shade as your skin) #3 then a thin layer of powder (same shade as your skin) It works for me :) You should try it out!


Answer #8

Brown Spots and Freckles

  1. Apply odorless castor oil or vitamin E nightly.

  2. Apply lemon juice as a bleach to the spots

  3. Dissolve some suger in the juice of one lemon. Apply to freckles with small cosmetic brush.

Answer #9

also my wonderfull beautiful cousin/best friend once comforted me by saying “a face without freckles is like a sky without stars”. I freaking love her, dont you?

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