freckals! pleaseee help me-

ok, im 14 and does any body know any brand names to get rid of freckals? I have them on my cheecks and nose. I hate them. I’ve tried makeup. - and I dont want zits and stuff. please help!

Answer #1

haha I have freckles too, and I’ve been wnting to get rid of them for a long time… but um, they make you unique, and you’re not you without you’re freckles. Lemme guess, thts what your kinda known for? well not known, but people always notice them? people think freckles are cute. I know exaclty what you mean though :) sometimes I want clear, smooth skin too :’( :P lol, just be confident with them. ;) hope I helped a little.:) x

Answer #2

no I mean sense I have freckals I try to cover them up with a lot of makeup whick all that makup causes zits. and I dont want that . so looking for a new solution

Answer #3

freckles are so cute =] and they dont caus zits and stuff. but reayy you should show them off I’d love to have some but sadly I dont.

Answer #4

freckles aren’t harmful, and just because you have them doesnt mean you’ll get zits. You can use sun screen to prevent more, but if you insist, then tryhiding them with maybe a concealer and foundation. Im not too sure you can get rid of them…

The Last guy to be really insecure about their skin was Michael Jackson, and look where he ended up:

Answer #5

keep your freckles! guys actually think girls with freckles are more attractive! plus they are very cute!! so dont try to hide what God gave you! flaunt it! – hope it helped! [=

Answer #6

ok. thanks. =)

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