How to do my hair for the formal?

wel my formal is coming up and im not sure how to have my hair, I no I want it curly but I dont want it jst curly and down. any ideas on how I could have it? I want something nice and not something everyone else will have, my hair is long too

Answer #1

If your hair is thin enough, try a banana clip. It will pull your hair back, kind of like a pony tail, but instead of it making your hair look shorter, it will allow your length to still show. And it looks more mature. Part it to the side and just pull a few pieces out in the front and curl them under. Spiral curl all the hair that you pulled back and there you go! I think it would look great!

Answer #2

A lot of people either go all down or all up for a formal… to be different you could have the front half of your hair up with some ringlets in the front and curl the back in what I call banana curls… (spirals I think is the best way to explain that.) and that will look pretty with long hair. just get a barrett (spelling may be wrong on that) or clip… but don’t use a hair tie or a scrunchie because that would make it look young. I found a picture online… I think that would be pretty for a formal.

Answer #3

do a side pony and curl it.

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