
Can anyone “HELP ME” I thought my pain was from missing the only woman I have ever loved and the fact that she No longer loved me. Now I hurt Ten Fold because she did love me and I hurt her bad. I was not there emotionaly for her. I was feeling sorry for myself and left her alone to deal with this. How can I prove or just show her I do Love Her Heart and Soul?

Answer #1

Trust is a very funny thing, some people give it freely, some it takes more time, but once it’s broken it’s a very hard thing to regain. If you and she both feel the same way it is possible to make it through the htings in your past, but you can NOT mention the issues from the past to bring them up as ammunition. You 2 need to sit down and honestly discuss your relationship, the problems you have with each other and see if maybe things can work out. You’ll have to be very reassuring and comforting of her for a long time to rebuild trust that was lost.

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