For the mummy's!

Hey Does any mums out there finding it hard to lose that baby belly?? And the 1’s that didn’t tip’s please lol .. I Have diastasis recti or you can call it a split tummy muscle afer having my little girl And It’s starting to get me down a bit :( …

Answer #1

you said you had a split tummy muscle; im pregnant with my 1st child and im just curious about everything…so did you because of a c-section or did you have her natural and got it? and it sounds like it hurts..does it ever hurt?

Answer #2

It seems like the only thing you can do for that is get a tummy tuck! Go to the link below

Answer #3

I lost 40 pounds after I had my son - I have a picture of my weight lose on here in my pictures if you would like to see. I had to follow a strict diet though:

-Make water your primary drink after breakfast (juice for breakfast) -No fried foods - only grilled or baked -Eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones -Fruits and Veggies -Salads - no dressing use vinegar instead -No buttery flavorings - use hot sauce and spices instead -Carry healthy snacks in your purse (or diaper bag) so that you wont be tempted to buy junk. -Organize your pantry - dont leave big bags of chips or snacks, seperate them into portion size zip lock bags - so you dont over eat -Write down everything you eat - you are less likely to overeat when you see all you have eaten that day. -Order the smallest portion of everything when you go somewhere - most of the time we buy too much food and just eat it because it’s there. -Use vegetables to bulk up meals. You can eat twice as much pasta salad loaded with veggies like broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes for the same calories as a pasta salad sporting just mayonnaise. Same goes for stir-fries. -Avoid white foods - carbs -Avoid any prepared food that lists sugar, fructose, or corn syrup among the first four ingredients on the label -Walk for an hour a day -Walk up and down stairs for 15 mintues a day.

As for some healthy snacks that are easy to prepare: -Carrot sticks and hummus -Sliced Bell Peppers dipped in cottage cheese mixed with hot sauce -Low-fat jello -Pita bread chicken wrap -Use lettuce instead of bread - put a piece of turkey and smear some mustard in it - wrap it up and eat. -Nuts, legumes, and seaseme seads -Veggies - any kind - raw. -1/2 cup 100% pure orange juice, frozen and eaten as sorbet -Air-popped pop corn -Yogurt and Granola -Boiled Eggs - not the yolk though.

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