Is moderate cramping normal during pregnancy?

I am a soon to be Mommy and I’m 8 wks prego. I’ve been having moderate cramping in my lower ABD. Has anyone else experienced this before?

Answer #1

You should be fine girl!! Its normal as long as its not severe cramps and there not any blood. You should report any spotting to your doctor… You should be fine. Im 8 weeks and I have cramps to.

Answer #2

I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first child and have been having mild cramps and am a little worried about it. I have had no spotting or bleeding so this makes me feel a little better. Should I contact my doctor? I don’t know if its just the changes in my body or gas or something serious.

Answer #3

Just watch for excessive bleeding or really unbearable cramps…im 6 weeks along with my second…and I’ve had some also…I would just take it easy when you feel them…lie down and relax…feel free to to mail me if you have any other questions since we are right around the same time!!!

Answer #4

When I worried at my doctor because of this, he said to me: ‘early pregnancy is a time of pain’. I found that helpful - not excruciating pain, but a lot of sensation which feels uncomfortable. I actually had light bleeding every month too, which terrified me, but I have two sons now, so no harm done!

Answer #5

‘early pregnancy is a time of pain’ Haha I agree. It’s not brutal, but it’s uncomfortable. And yes it’s very normal. If it gets severe though…you want to see a doctor right away. Later in your pregnancy the cramps get a little stronger. That’s normal too.

Answer #6

Oh yes - you said 8 weeks. Did you feel the same at 4 weeks? I had light bleeding and cramps every 4 weeks, just like a very light period. I know that this is also the time in a pregnancy when miscarriages are most common, so it could be a worrying sign, but as I said, I ended up with two successful births from two pregnancies, so it’s not always something to fear. One friend told me she had more or less full periods throughout her pregnancy and that caused no problem. I think that’s weird, but all I can say is, pregnancy hurts a bit and sometimes you bleed, and it’s not always a sign that something’s wrong. Very good luck!

Answer #7

yes it hurts its normal though

Answer #8

hi I had my period 10 days late and then on 11th day period got started but then again I am going thorugh same symptoms like nausea and feel vomit, cramp at right side of my stomach I checked my HCG during my 9th day of late period but was negative…am I pregnant

Answer #9

hi I am 8 weeks sat and having cramps but feel like period pain but there is no bleeding with it. is this normal as they are painful. it feels like an actual period pain and could it be because my period was due at this time.

Answer #10


To an extent. Here are the causes of cramping during your first trimester.

Causes of Cramping During Your First Trimester

  1. Implantation cramping - Some women will experience cramping upon implantation. Implantation usually occurs 8-10 days after ovulation. You should not experience implantation cramping after a positive pregnancy test, however many a woman has experienced cramping only to find that she is indeed pregnant shortly there after.

  2. Stretching uterus - As your body prepares for it’s new baby your uterus will stretch and expand. The ligaments that support the uterus will stretch and with this stretching may cause mild cramps.

  3. Miscarriage - Cramping during early pregnancy, especially accompanied by spotting or bleeding, is a warning sign of a possible miscarriage.

  4. Ectopic pregnancy - Ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition and requires immediate medical attention. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy include cramping and abdominal pain (particularly on one side), spotting, or bleeding.

  5. Other causes of cramping during early pregnancy - constipation or gas pains. Pregnant women often have problems with constipation. This can lead to uncomfortable cramping as well.

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