For anybody who did a senior project

What did you do it on? Did it suck horribly, and how did you pick your topic. I’ve got to pick my topic soon and I’m kinds stuck for ideas.

Answer #1

im voluntering at the ymca if youknow what that is. but imworking in the youth center. sounds fun I think.

Answer #2

I’m not sure what your school requirements are, but,

I did mine on, how to unite teens through an extracurricular activity.

I am Polynesian, so I started my own Poly-Club and invitied students to join. once I established the club, I went through the list of requirements and related my new club to each.

you get all of your community service hours through this too because you spend so much of your spare time creating and maintaining the club. it’s hardwork, but lots of fuuun! :)

hope that helps? :)

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