Why is it that food feels like a drüg to me?

And can I make the addiction go away?

Answer #1

You can always make the addiction to go away only if you have the strong will to do it. First maybe you need to realize that what you are doing is not good for your health and then think of its side effect. Try to find other activities wt anytime you feel like you want something to eat. Good luck :D

Answer #2

. Of course food acts like a drüg - it does to virtually everybody. The reason being that: . Things such as food,oxygen and sex (or more correctly the lack of them) activates neurons in the brain in order to create a craving that is difficult or impossible to resist. . Satisfying those cravings by eating, breathing or having sex releases neurochemicals that create a “reward” by producing sensations of relief, pleasure and well-being. We have evolved that way to ensure that we seek out those things that are essential to our continued existence. . Addictive drügs create the same craving-reward cycle by hijacking that mechanism in such a way as to make the drüg-abuser subconsciously feel as though those drügs are essential to their survival. . If you could make your natural food addiction go away, you would either: . (a) starve to death through total lack of incentive to eat; or . (b) have to resort to forcing yourself to eat purely as an inevitable chore whose sole purpose was to keep you alive. .

Answer #3

Think one thing: It’s a hell-of-alot better than the drug called “horse”! There’s quite alot of love for larger women, with our current populatory probability. Otherwise, think of the act of eating to be a natural response to stress. If you’re eating because you are stressed and stressed because you’re eating then fuk-all. Get a bit fat, and learn your lesson in a few years and return to healthy weight :D I’m saying: this is all just a phase of your life.

Answer #4

You obviously have an idea of “the big picture” Have you looked over Jordan? Have you seen?

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