Font question :D

what font do you like?? or what font do you always use?? :)

Answer #1

There’s one I like called ‘porky’s’ I think and I’ve always been a fan of comic sans as well.

Answer #2

I mostly use all the destroy fonts,can’t name the one I like cause I like ‘em all.

Answer #3

at work they use Calibri. I think its retarded. Its slightly off the business eithics and fonts. but hey, I will stick to my times new roman as long as I am composing emails or letters for the company. Someone has to save face.

Answer #4

I like comic sans, even when I’m presenting something awfully stuffy, it seems to tame it a little and make it more gentle to read…in about a 12 font, not on bold or italic…just normal…:)

Answer #5

Well I usually use the common one, “arial”. I like comic sans ms, and I use it often too. I dont know the number for size, depends on what im writeing. Not bold or italic. :)

Answer #6

It depends what I am doing…

If I am writing something more professionally, I only use arial and times new roman

other that that my favourite fonts are. BASE02 and brokentoys

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