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So my best friend might be having a party at my friends house and a lot of are friends are coming over. My ex MIGHT come if he does should I act like he isnt there and laugh and have fun or act like I am. are should I talk to him and see how he feels about everything between him and me and see if he still has feelings for me? Help me out… =/

Answer #1

be ur self nt no need to fake ne thing for a boii or ne one and secound that nt for us to answer but if i waz u i would ask him waz up and dance wit him n do wat u got to do

Answer #2

Being yourself is the best thing in these sort of situations….but when you meet him don’t be cold as to not answer him or anything…well for some more resources you can check out http://valentinesday4all.blogspot.com sometime….maybe you’ll find some stuff over there as well….

Answer #3

First you should just be yourself…don’t act… yes its weird when your ex is around you and if you still have feelings then just be yourself…first of all if he didn’t like you…he wouldn’t be coming over…but if he still has some feelings he will come over unless hes bringing another girl to try to make you jealous??? if he does brink anothr girl just ignore him but act nice pretend he is not him but “just another guy who has a girl and you could careless” but be nice when you need to be. but if he comes over on his own…then you can talk but don’t chase…if he want to be with you…he will chase you. good luck!

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