fingering? helppp!

I am 14. and most other guys my age have fingered a girl. but I haven’t. and im not sure what to do and im nervous to do it. help please

Answer #1

14? dude, your still my age. don’t do it. who are your friends? are they like, 16 year olds? maby you should actually ask them like, “what was the most you’ve done with a girl” if they don’t mention it, don’t worry. thats my point of view.

Answer #2

Your toast. Every girl is slightly different. You could easily be down there for 1 hour and not have it figured out.

Answer #3

Being nervous just means you’re not ready to do it already. And your only 14! Slow down! You have PLENTY of time to experience all of that. Besides, I can almost bet anything you’re friends really haven’t done anything with a girl at the age of 14. They’re probably making it up.

Answer #4

just because ALL your friends have done it and you haven’t don’t mean you have too. here is a website you can go too

Answer #5

dont follow the croud, do you want to and when you feel right about it… I hate when people just do something just cause everyone else does it..

Answer #6

Being nervous doesn’t necessarily mean your not ready. It just means you probably don’t know exactly what your doing. But just because you think other guys are fingering girls at your age doesn’t mean you have too. I know a lot of 16 year old guys and even older who still haven’t. It’s no big deal, so don’t feel like they’re a certain age you have to do stuff. Cause that’s not true.

First off, before I tell you what you need to do. You should make sure you know where things are. So watch porn, google different sites and make sure you know a little about the female anatomy before you get touchy with a girl.

I’m not gunna go into too much detail, but always make sure your COMPLETLY alone. If the girl your with can’t relax and enjoy it without having to worry about someone seeing or parents walking in or something. Then it’s not the right time and don’t do it. Don’t just dive into her pants right away, work your way up to that. Makeout for a while, and always be laying down. Rub outside the jeans. Then slowly, unbutton her jeans and keep outside the undies. Take it slow, incase she gets uncomfortable and wants to stop. Then you’ll know your limits. Like I said, there are a lot of good websites to learn about fingering a girl and different techniques. So just do some research, and have fun(:

this kid asked a similar questions, maybe some of his answers could help you:

Answer #7

OK, first off I wanted to say that this was the first time I have ever been to this website and I saw your question. I knew I needed to help you. I am 15 and am a master. So here you go… 1)Make sure she isn’t a virgin. We don’t want any cherrys poppin’ do to fingers.That’s a waste. 2)Don’t think it is on the front part of her body it’s the bottom facing towards the floor, or the wall in this case. Go all the way down. 3)Use your middle and ring finger. Some use index and middle. But you get better grip with the spiderman. 4)The deeper the better. Really give it. Depending the type of girl she may enjoy you lifting her up with the spiderman grip or even scratching her inside(Be careful only the real freaky girls enjoy this.). 5)Talk to her. Ask what she tells, see what she like, it will help a lot in the long run. It shows you are worried about her too not just getting yourself off.

Thats it dueds good luck. I’m always here to help.

Answer #8

ok dude calm a little just because other guy have done it doent mean you have to, dont give into the pressure doont folow the crowd…n its most likely the girl will be nervous about a guy doing it to her

Answer #9

your way too young kid. keep playin kick ball and stop rushing stuff. you look younger then 14 you sure thats your real age you look 8

Answer #10


Its kool its’ really not that hard, and if you say that your friends have done it already they werent born with the ability to finger a girl .

The Best way to learn and not kill the mood, is to just rub lightly on the tip of her Clit and you can ask her if it feels good. Tell her you want her to show you how it’s done. One way to really work a woman is you insert your finger into her vagina and stroke this area, or move your finger in and out while applying pressure to this area, and lick her clitoris at the same time.

Keep in mind that every woman is different. Some are so sensitive that they can’t take this much stimulation, and others absolutely need it. Ask your girl what she prefers, and experiment !

Answer #11

The fact that your nervous is a red flag that your not ready yet. Don’t do something just because every one else is doing it. Do it in your own time and with someone special so your not nervous.

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