Why do people think they found the Lord in prison?

My brother has a few brain cells burned out, but he swears Jesus visted him during a brief (60 days) prison stay. He is not doing drugs (right now), but he continues to stay friends with his old druggies. I think alot of people when in the slammer think they found the Lord and then revert back to their old ways… any comments?

Answer #1

I submit that anyone who truely meets the Lord Jesus Christ and accepts Him as their personal Savior becomes a new person - the old ways hold no attraction.

Answer #2

Especially with drugs, it’s a very hard thing to turn completely away from. Speaking as someone who used to be heavy into drugs, the only way to get out of it is to completely sever contact with your suppliers and people who could possibly trigger a relapse or encourage you to get back into doing drugs. If he’s hanging around his friends who do drugs, I would think they wouldn’t be too terribly supportive of his choice to stop doing them (though some don’t pressure).

Being in jail or prison is a traumatic thing, and when faced with trauma people will do whatever they can to help them cope and deal with the stresses. It’s perfectly understandable that your brother would turn to religion and say he saw God or Jesus. Religion is very popular and a strong positive force in some people’s lives. Most people released from prison do claim to have “changed” for the better. Perfect recent example: Paris Hilton.

Answer #3

I beleive that not all jail house conversions are genuine, but a way to deal with the situation and if that helps great. I beleive in God but I also am a skeptic what jail house converstions or when folks call on the Lord only when they are in trouble and then forget about how the found comfort during their trials.

Answer #4

I think a lot of people actually hit rock bottom, and they turn to God for Strength. Nothin’ wrong with that!!

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