Fighting w/ an ex...

ok so I went on a vacation like 2 weeks ago, and like two days before I got back I find out my ex-boyfriend cheated on me. but I just brushed it off, because it didn’t seem like a big deal, but two days after I got back andy dumped me, and says he still wants to be friends. I thought it was ok, but the pain started to pile up, I mean I loved him a lot and well I just stopped talking to him, and even looking at him, but later that week I texted him and asked if he was mad at me, but he just said no and that he stayed away from me because he thought I was pissed off. but told him the truth bout how it hurt when he broke up with me and stuff like that, so we started talking again, and two days later my new boyfriend(Bret) tells me who he cheated on me with. (it was my best friend.) so I texted andy and I totally cussed him out, he kept apologising but I kept yelling at him for how he lied to me and sht like that. so I havent talked to him for about 2 weeks and I was with Bret and we ended up stopping at andy’s work because bret had to talk to him. Aparrently andy found out I was talking sht on him because he got really mad at me. but I texted him last night and apologized for being a b*tch to him, and he totally said how much he hated me. I’m just wondering if me and andy can ever work through this? I mean I’ve done this with friends but would working through it be different with an ex? I mean one friend I worked through it with, we hadn’t talked for like 5 years. but does andy have to be willing to work with me? is there any way that I can work it by myself and become friends with andy again?

PLEASE help me!!! L.C.

Answer #1

K thanks, but like I said I just want to be his friend… and I have a new boyfriend that I care about a lot! but the same b*tch that andy cheated on me with is trying to steal bret away. but anyway thanks!

Answer #2

Also what mandyloo said, if you just brushed it away you DONT care for him at all. Don’t stay with him..

Answer #3

I didn’t even read the whole thing. I stopped at

“He cheated on me, I brushed it off because it was no big deal”

That’s a sign right there that you dont really care for him as much as you think you do. Any REAL relationship, cheating would be a huge deal, and would be a deal breaker as well. He doesn’t have respect for you and you should not be thinking about taking him back. Why let a man walk all over you and use you when he wants to. You let him get away with it, which gave him the mindset that it’s ok to do things like that to you and that you are a pushover.

Get some respect for yourself and find a good man.

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