Felon friendly states?

I have 2 felonys in the state of Oregon. I am now liveing in Idaho. I would like to know if when applying for a job and they do back ground check would it just be for what state you are liveing in? or all states? I really need to know. thank-you…

Answer #1

@dark –“”Criminal background checks will usually cover every crime you’ve ever been convicted of (from misdemeanor up) in the U.S. Two felonies will most CERTAINLY show up.””

Not necessarily. Depends on the job and more specifically, what type of background check is performed.

@ rosefreebird69 –“”the background check will cover all the us and if you dont put it down and they find it it is over cause then they can chare you with fraud or they can in ky””

In my experience when it comes to many employer background checks only information in the areas you direct them to search specifically will show up, but anyone with access to 3 “”I’s”” or NICS will be able to pull it up, as you pretty much indicated.

Do they really charge you with fraud in KY?!? If so, Kentucky’s certainly not for me! Yikes!!

Answer #2

the background check will cover all the us and if u dont put it down and they find it it is over cause then they can chare u with fraud or they can in ky

Answer #3

Criminal background checks will usually cover every crime you’ve ever been convicted of (from misdemeanor up) in the U.S.

Two felonies will most CERTAINLY show up.

Answer #4

never had a felon sorry

Answer #5

Try blowing the person who is doing the background check. This will certainly help because they will want to hire you after that. If you do a good job anyway.

Answer #6

I have a felony on my record and had no problem finding a job within another state. the truth about background checks is this. Many major Fortune 500 companies do national background checks and very thorough.. however some only do statewide checks. you can tell the type of check they are going to do on the form they give you. It also states on there how far back they are looking. some are 7yrears and some are full history. **Most non-proft dont do background checks or drug tests. Keep in mind that these tests are very expensive for the companies. The smaller the company the better chance you have to being hired without problem. Most smaller companies and private owned companies dont want to spend the money on full checks and disclosure.

Hope this helps

Answer #7

You cant get a job…OR, an apartment with a felony conviction in the USA. I personaly think it should be illegal to decline a felon for housing. The USA is a humility, its a joke, im getting the hell out of here s soon as my buddy gives me visa sponsorship for the Pinas. This country is down right screwy, I cant even think of a word to properly described this country. Its a mess! I personly dont want to cause any harm to anyone in anyway. But I do wish something would overthrow this government and establish a new order in where freedom does actualy exist. We are all beeing lied to everyday, some people accept it, some dont want to accept it but have no other option. That is what this country is all about; to make the citizens of The United States think they have an option, bbut in all reality never had an option from the geko.

Answer #8

Hello, my brother had a felony 20 years ago and moved to California. He stated that he did not have a problem getting a job once he moved out of state because they do a background check where you are presently located. Recently he had a misdemeanor and it was committed in another county and his attorney stated that she pulled up his background in the city and since his crimes were over 20 years old the court could not use it against him or bring up any old dirt. But I silently looked on because he had been arrested since then in another county in the state about 6 years ago. If an attorney will have a hard time finding out a person’s background, after 7 years of college education, then an employer without a degree in law will most surely have a problem. If you can avoid giving your employer your previous address in Idaho then do it. In order to become a productive member of society a person has to work, but no one wants to hire a person with a felony, as a result some either startup their own businesses or unfortunately contribute to the increasing crime rates of their cities because of lack of job opportunities for felons.

Answer #9

can a person with a felonies on his backgroung have a career in real estate in the state of IL?

Answer #10

I live in Massachusetts and recently had my background checked. I do have a felony in another state and it did NOT come up on the check. Indeed, I have since learned that most firms only check the area you live in.

Answer #11

Well let’s cut right to the chase–here’s the bad news: give up ANY AND ALL HOPE of becoming a medical doctor of any sort, from dental to podiatry, nursing, physical/respiratory/occupational therapist, pharmacist, dental hygienist—pretty much anything health/medicine related really.

Anything requiring the BAR or Series 7 like law/attorneys, magistrates, judges, politics, bankers, brokers etc—all things essentially reserved for The Man.

No firearms = no Police, SWAT, security jobs etc. No Peace Corps, pilots, steward/stewardess, teachers, governmental/federal jobs, positions with general public responsibility and the majority of opportunities with a sweet pension attached.

And of course anything else that would have access to a NICS or authority to request III.

NICS, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, is an FBI database used to regulate and monitor firearm sale and ownership…and it basically functions as a felon registry.

The III provides a method for requesting a criminal history record once a person has been associated with an Index record. If the record is maintained in the FBI Integrated Automated Identification System (IAFIS), the record will be automatically returned on-line via NCIC. If the record is maintained by one or more state agencies participating in III record exchange, the state(s) will respond via the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System, Inc. (NLETS). http://www.doj.state.wi.us/dles/cibmanuals/files/TIME/HTML/obtainingtheiiicriminalhistoryresponse.htm

The above comprises a HUGE majority of the labor force and honestly most of the best paying careers in America…but it fortunately leaves enough of a niche for the reformed to edge in and earn a decent living too.

For many of these jobs, the reality is generally as tedeebayre described above–but more specifically “”most firms only check the areas YOU PROVIDE THEM WITH””.

Each location costs additional money to check, therefore research EVERYWHERE is totally impractical. Truth be told, wherever you put down they will look into…so just be selective with the information you provide.

Some examples of lucrative jobs that probably won’t dig as deep are: IT and computer jobs, jobs in travel and tourism like restaurant or hotel management and chefs, many Unions and Blue/Green collar jobs like automotive mechanics and truck drivers, lumberjacks, fishing industry, etc.

For general transportation’s sake, if you drive like a saint during appropriate hours you can conceivably drive a decade unlicensed without a single incident…but a valid license with a clean driving record is a HUGE BONUS—CDL/truck driver, chauffer, taxi, even pizza delivery pays ok and usually has decent atmosphere. All of these vehicular jobs are “”don’t tells”” imo.

Keeping in mind these examples are relative and should be treated on an individual basis, you actually can still land good paying jobs/careers in these areas. Each of our situations is specific and may require some imagination, so don’t be afraid of thinking outside the box …but make sure you’re still inside legal limits. ;) Seriously, don’t take the easy way out.

I had three felonies in three different states–none of which were my home state. I have had many good jobs in my life but only ever disclosed my background ONE TIME—to the Darden Company (Longhorn/Red Lobster/Olive Garden etc). Long story short THEY DENIED ME EMPLOYMENT even though I had colleagues working there and it was a known fact I was the most qualified applicant (Make-up/Expo). I don’t have time for negativity or hateful lawsuits but decided NEVER AGAIN and since then I have NEVER HAD A SINGLE ISSUE in any of the above industries I’ve applied with…nor do I suspect I would in any of the others I haven’t attempted either.

Fwiw I have had two six figure a year jobs, one with a multi-million dollar corporation and the other was international and so enormous they honestly made millions in profit every single day. Without any arrogance they were both extremely competent heavy hitters and they didn’t find ANYTHING in either of their checks. And the reason of course is I never listed any of the addresses of any of my convictions…actually I avoided any link to those states whatsoever. I can say with absolute certainty a known felon would never had held either of those positions. You’ll have to take my word on it but trust me, it’s guaranteed. This is the real world.

If they should find out later–regardless of what happens at that point–in my opinion you’re still MILES AHEAD of where you would have been if you were forthright.

We can’t vote, we can’t own a firearm (it’s bullshit to lose the right to defend yourself) and essentially live every day forever on the end of a perpetual leash “the man” can reel back in on little more than a whim. Giving society a reason to feel more prejudice and contempt toward me was never something I strived for.

In a nutshell, I suggest not telling on yourself…and obviously don’t give them a reason to ever find out. EVER. I can only speak for myself but it’s certainly worked in my experience.

Answer #12

why don’t you tell them you have it? it has worked for me. if they find out later that you didn’t disclose it you could loose your job. most of the time if they ask if you have one it doesn’t mean you won’t get the job, but it is one of those touchy things and I don’t know what your charge was. normally with a drug charge you can still get any job. with a money charge it is a little harder if you are trying to work with money, but like things that hurt other people like battery etc. those ones would probably be the hardest ones. but if its a drug charge I’d say your good to go.

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