Feeling ugly/lonley

Hi I am only 14 in 8th grade and the people I hang out with (populars) are usually nice to me but I am kinda shy. I have grown out of most of my shyness since I was little and now have grown out of it. I feel like im nobody really and I only had a real boyfriend who liked for who I am. we broke up but still are friends. one of my friends in the popular group is really nice to me and makes me feel great for who I am. but sometimes I feel ugly and leaft out like no one likes me. I hate this feeling and I wish theyd like me for me. I need advice please!!? Help:/

Answer #1

Same here but im in 7th grade and is supposed to be in 7th grade

Answer #2

Same here but im in 7th grade and is supposed to be in 7th grade

Answer #3

Do you want lots of friends that don’t really care about you or good friends that will show compassion, empathy, and support you? :( you make me feel sad because you feel ugly and lonely! Nobody is/has/ever will be ugly. Everybody has great qualities about them. The only thing that most teenagers don’t see is that the qualities vary from person to person. You are beautiful in your own way. As for the lonely feeling, you are never alone. You have that great ex boyfriend helping you, and a wonderful friend in the laughs popular group.

Answer #4

thanks(: and yes the other people are nice too and yes whenever im crushed/mad/sad I feel ugly and stuff it bugs me

Answer #5

this part of your life is always the most confusing. this feeling has hit me and my friends, so I know it aint fun. the question I have for you is: is it just that one girl that’s nice to you or are all of them nice? she sounds like a true friend, but the others sound like they are leaving you out. you should try finding people that share a common interest (music, movies, etc). that gets that part out of the way. UGLY?! what are you talking about?! no one is ugly. everyone has a special, beautiful characteristic about them. if you’re just going by the outside, quit doing that. people may tell you that outside is the only way you’ll survive, but that aint true one bit! I know this is not easy, especially trying to be out there making new friends, but as you get in high school, it’s more diverse and there will be a group you will fit into. until then, I’m sure you have great friends on here that understand what you’re going through. take care. :)

Answer #6

Dont feel that way! we r all beautiful in our own ways! i dont look all that great on the outside but its wats on the inside that counts and you just need to find freinds who like u for u!

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