How does it feel to be the new kid?

i may get to change schools and go to one where i do not know anyone. i really want to experience being the new kid. im coming from a small town so any advice or experiences are appreciated. and how can i continue to convince my mom to let me switch? thanks!!

Answer #1

Just b urself and I’m sure everything will b fine. Good luck

Answer #2

While I’ve never been the new kid in school, I did move to a new neighborhood when I was 12 and it was an interesting experience. The girls in my new neighborhood were pretty close, but being new worked to my advantage. Because you’re new, people will generally show an unusal amount of interest in you, so you can use that opportunity to be accepted. More than likely people in your new school will make the effort to introduce themselves, so just be polite and go along with it. If they don’t introduce themselves, be brave and approach them. Honestly, being new isn’t as bad as TV shows and movies make it out to be.

Answer #3

Usually awkward…especially in High school. I started out knowing no one but as long as you get in a good group of people that respects you you’ll be fine! Try the Mormons their kind to everyone!

Answer #4

My expiriance was perty good around the second time of being the new kid. I made friends instantly. The whole thing that made it bad was the whole nerve reck I had going on inside, I didn’t want to sit by myself at lunch, I didn’t want to seem like a looser, & all those things you see in the movies. I guess it depends on your social skills too. I had & still have some remaining, horrible social skills, so thats dosen’t help at all. My best advice, is to explore around, see what type of people are your kind of friends, don’t try to jock anybody just to impress & like everyone says just be yourself. The transition to a big school is kinda nerve damaging, or at least it was for me, but soon enough you’ll see is nothing but a big building filled with kids just like the ones you had at home. (:

Answer #5

Iv moved to 7 schools in the past 2 years and at first its verry nervracking but look for people that dress or act like you and smile send kind signals soon enough someone will say hi! :)

Answer #6

I can tell you i moved schools 3 times in middle school grade by grade. Okay your gonna have your haters, the preps which by the way are the people who are jealous of you and thats why i got in 3 fights in 2 weeks already. Anyways your gonna have those people who ask who you are an either be obsessed with you or dont really care. Dont tell any private info about yourself util like half the year is over because im telling you i have had many girls turn on me within the first 5 months. Its not going to be easy at all but keep your head up high and if anyone gives you crap at school message me back an i can tell you what to say back or how ot handle it good luck!

Answer #7

I’m a freshmen in high school and I recently moved from a small town in Canada to a very populated area in Florida. To be more exact, the school in my old town had 250 kids in it and my new school has around 2400. It was a big change. It was exciting at first and I was happy to meet new people and get new opportunities. I found it very hard because in such a large school no one new that you were new so not many people went out of their way to introduce you to people or spend time with you. The only people you’ll really get to know are people that are in your classes. It isn’t that bad but I’d give anything to go back home. Good luck! Hop you meet lots of people and have fun!

oh and to convince your mom just tell her that since you go to a small school there isn’t as many opportunities as there would be in a new school. That’s what worked for my sister! Good Luck!

Answer #8

it feels always a night mare to me

Answer #9

it feels always a night mare to me

Answer #10

Depends on what school it is. I mean, i was the new girl back in november-december. But most of the time , its exciting because you get to meet new people. But be careful who you trust.

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