How do you feel about the grading scale?

In school, the grading scale is as follows:

A:100-90 B:89-80 C:79-70 D:69-60 F:59-0

The is completely riduculous to me because if you think about it, understanding half the material or 50 percent, gives you an F. Learning none of the material also gives you an F.

In my opinion, this is how the grading scale should be:

A:100-80 B:79-60 C:59-40 D:39-20 F:19-0

Answer #1

No, seems completely fine to me, though in Britain we are graded quite harshly.

Answer #2

No, seems completely fine to me, though in Britain we are graded quite harshly.

Answer #3

You would hardly have to strive to succeed though to pass then. It’s not hard to actually learn stuff and get good grades as is, you just need to buckle down and study. The grading scale is fine how it is in my opinion. I work hard for my grades and it’d be absurd if someone could totally slack off and still get a good grade. Getting good grades takes work, it’s not hard to pass classes if you work at it.

Answer #4

By posting this, I wasn’t stating the amount of difficulty it is to pass. I have no problem passing any of my classes, as I have a 3.7 unweighted GPA. My opinion of the grading scale is the fact that a person who understands half of the material and a person who doesn’t understand any of the material both have the same grade.

Answer #5

The grading scale is not just about the numbers. By having the grading ‘as is’ it gives future colleges and universities an understanding of the person attaining those grades.

For instance, many higher education faculties require grades of ‘C’ and above. This is because the student has shown a commitment to his schooling, shows diligence and hard work.It also gives the faculty an insight into the self discipline required to achieve higher education.

For the reasons outlined above, it is necessary to retain the status quo of grading scale currently in place.

Answer #6

How are you graded in Britain?

Answer #7

But they both fail because they dont know enough to pass.

Answer #8

Lol, right. In real life, understanding less than half your job gets you fired. Seems fair enough that you learn that you fail early on if you don’t get something. As it is, the U.S. grading method is ridiculous. You get points for homework and attendance (i.e. simply being alive in a room gets you points). I’ve never heard of a person getting paid simply for being present at their job. Usually they have to work in order to get paid. Stop whining. In most of the world you pass exams and you pass your grade. You fail exams, and you get held back. Period. I know every generation complains about the next, but I swear, whining about not being patted on the back for not knowing something is ridiculous.

Answer #9

I’m not promoting giving easy grades or whining about the lack of attention people receive when they don’t understand something.

The meaning of my post is that I find it silly that 50 percent is one grade letter and the other 50 percent is split between 4 grade letters.

To clarify once again, I have no problem with how I am graded in school. I’m not a slacker and I work hard for the A’s I get. From your replies, you making it seem as though I’m asking for a higher grade then what I deserve when that is simply not the case.

Answer #10

I’m sorry, but I disagree with you 100%. Do you really think someone should pass because they understand 20% of what they are being taught? That’s not fair to the students. When you lower the expectations in the school, you let kids believe it’s okay to do the bare minimum, because they are still passing. Where I went to school, anything below a 70 was failing. I always thought that was fair. The stuff they teach isn’t that hard, anyway, bit kids STILL fail. I think we need to raise expectations, because this isn’t working.

Answer #11

PLEASE READ THE POST. I never said they should pass with a minimum. For the grading scale i posted they would still need a 60 or higher to pass. The only change i made was how it was divided up among the letter grade. Therefore, they would need an a or b to pass.

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