Favorite type of question?

I was just wondering what type of question interest you the most? I like ones where I have to say what I like about poems, and how to get better at cheerleading/dancing, get more flexibility, about swimming/soccer, friend issues, boytrouble. I like to answer question wich are about something I know a lot about and have an opinion on :)!

Please tell me what yours are!

Answer #1

I like answering pregnancy questions, relationship questions, health questions, child/baby questions, music questions, and movie questions the most.

Mainly because those are the subjects I tend to know the most about and can relate to the people who ask them.

Answer #2

I like interesting ones appose to the ones you see 50 billion times a day, also I love answering questions about the site and questions I can really relate to. I find my answers are more meaningful when they are about a situation I’ve been in.

Answer #3

Yup I totally agree!:)

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