
wats your fave/worst singer/band I love chris brown and rieanna and I hate taylor swift

Answer #1

I like any kind of rock and I don’t like country or hip hop.

Answer #2

I love the devil wears prada & screamo. I kinda hate taylor swift & rheanna kinda gets on my nerves.

Answer #3

I love Cannibal Corpse and I HATE Akon,flo rida,little wayne,and others of that genre including cris brown

Answer #4

u dont know what a good singer is then

Answer #5

u hate all good singers!!!

Answer #6

I hate any heavy metal music but I love Taylor Swift

Answer #7

I hATE mY cHEMiCAL rOmANCE and aLL thOsE rOCK/ hEAvY mETAL bANDS… thEy’rE diSTUrbiNG… lOL… I LiKE dEEsTyLiSTiCS, nB riDAZ, mC mAGiC, jOWElL why rANDY, sTUFF LikE that =]

Answer #8

You hate Taylor Swift? WOOO! GO YOU! lol

I love all metal/rock/screamo music… my favorite bands fer sure I hate all rap/country/pop/hip hop/R&B and that sort of stuff

Answer #9

I hate Chris Brown and all rap, because in my opinion it is not music…only MY opinion.

I love: She wants revenge, sublime, a perfect circle, tool, HIM, flyleaf, evanescence, muse, iron&wine, paramore, souisxie and the banshees, the list goes on!

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