fashon advice please?

ok I shop at like good stores but im terrible at pickin out what looks good on me?!? any suggestions

Answer #1

I have that problem, try asking peoples opinions when you try them on, wear things that you feel comfortable in but also try and be confident

Answer #2

Try on the clothes before you buy them. That way, you know if it looks good on you or not.

Answer #3

What I do, Is before I go shopping,I look through magazines and find an outfit That looks really good. Then I got shopping,and tyr to match that outfit with what I can find,and alter it a bit to fit my style. It makes shopping fun,because your like hunting to find something,while at the same time,your in style.


Answer #4

I go with Alexis and also, I also pick things that I’m crazy about. If I’m not, then I won’t buy it. And usually I pick things that no one else has and things I feel beautiful in. If you do it that way, then you’ll feel good when you where it!

Answer #5

Watch what not to wear - I know this is weird but I used to be the same way and it really gave me ideas. Also whenever I shop I take a good friend with me and she is completely honest in telling me what looks good and what doesn’t and I’m the same to her. It makes shopping more effective and you will probably be a lot less frustrated.

Answer #6

thx people!

Answer #7

I agree with alexis1623

Answer #8

thats a great idea yeah this shirt miley was wearin was so cute and I was like I want that so bad thx even though I hate her

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