Fall 2 pieces!!!

I’m 15 and there is a boy in one of my classes that is also 15(10 dayz older thn mee!) He is so funny and kinda cute. I know he likes me because the way he acts round me. He puts his deoderant on me. He messes wi my hair and even tells me come here and give me a cuddle(which I don’t do!) but he is never at school we have 5 classes per day and 5 days to a school week. So it is 25 lessons and he has only been here for 9 of those he hasn’t been at school 3 dayz this week. He hates school. But I aint gonna see hom for 6 weeks and I’m sooo missing him so bad. I’m propa upset. I hve no way of contacting him I don’t know his mates’ number either!! I’m just sooo upset!!! How do I get over this till we go back 2 school??? Cso serously if I don’t sort mi self out I’m gonna fall 2 pieces!

Answer #1

that actually happened to me once. I was in love with this guy and suddenly he moved. I fell in a great depression but my friends helped me out with it. I just kept thinking to myself that one day im going to see him again. in the meanwhile, I just got out of that depression and enjoyed life. couple weeks later I meant a new guy!

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