
I just heard the craziest, stupidest thing ever. well a girl who is a year older than me, is trying to fit in with the skater lot. well she’s now wearing a fake lip ring, and saying it’s pierced because it obviously leaves a dent. she’s been wearing it like 3 weeks now, and is saying because she’s left it in it’s gone through? wtf, that cant happen can it haha?

Answer #1

as for the question, she is either lying or she forced it through. and for the record, you guys are just as bad. listen to yourselves, debating whether some stranger is “skater” or not without even meeting her, pathetic.

Answer #2

LOL what a total fake we have a lot of those kids at our school I know this one kid who carries a skateboard around just to be cool so one day I asked can I see him ride it and he said that his foot was hurting and that he didnt feel like it. -.-

Answer #3

okayy. wow. more fakers. you dont have to have a lip right to be in the skater. hellow! you just have to skate. people cam be so damn stupid. why lie about who you truely are?

Answer #4

let fake people be fake… you guys arent making yourselfs look any better than these fake people by being judgemental so just let be…

Answer #5

Wow… this is very pathetic. She’s got to be one of the biggest fakes I’ve ever heard of. First of all, piercings only stay if they’re real and done by a professional. A fake lip ring will NOT go through the skin by itself. She must of forced it through or is holding it in place with something and that would be plan stupid. She’s trying to fit in with the skater crowd and she doesn’t even know facts about them. You don’t have to have piercings to be a skater. She’s trying WAY too hard to be something she’s not. She should just be her true self. More people would like her if she’d stop posing as something she’s clearly not.

Answer #6

No, that can’t happen, unless she forced it through…but even that would be pretty stupid.

Answer #7

no way haha

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