
People believe in love stories, Happy endings, I dont. Its like people live in a fairytal, Princes, princesses, Horses and kingdoms, Not real to me. Noone will sweep me off my feet, Carry me away for eternal happiness, No. Always and forever searching for my happyending, Dying alone and without one

Answer #1

cool ! I feel that way 2.

Answer #2

nice poem.

Answer #3

its a poem I made up. but its kinda also my opinion

Answer #4

that is a good poem I like it.

Answer #5

Is the question our opinion or are you just making a statement? If its an opinion I guess I believe in them. Sure I havent been swept of my feet and carried away by a prince to his perfect la la lie land, But Im here arent I? And I have had some very happy stuff happen to me and im only 13 I have plenty of time to find my happy ending

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