Eyeshadow Substitute?

So… I’m a boy, and I like to wear make-up. :3 I put on mascara and eyeliner in the high school bathroom in the mornings, and use a ‘Mr. Sketch Scented Water Color Marker’ as an eyeshadow substitute. This isn’t the smartest idea but… my question is~

I want to take it off when school is over, because I’m not allowed to wear make-up, and only some of it comes off. Is there anything I could use to take it off like really well, so noone notices? I’m talking about the marker, I can take off the eyeliner and the mascara easily enough with water.

Help please. D:

Answer #1

Use vaseline also known as petroleum jelly. Just carry a small travel sized one of that and a travel pack of Q-Tips in your bag… then just put a little vaseline on the Q-Tip and whipe it off… it works fine for me =]

Answer #2

I didnt mean what I said ealier lol. I dont hink thats gay. I think its awesome just SOMe people are self centured! LIKE MY SISTER>>>

Answer #3

I agree that you should defo get some eyeshadow because using marker doesnt sound to safe to use next to your eyes but if you have too use marker which I dont advice then eyemake up remover wipes or facil cleansing wipes should do the trick good luck !! :D xx

Answer #4

kristinagb, that’s not the question.

maybe get a girl friend get you some eyeshadow, cause that’s not safe

and makeup remover wipes, if you cant get those- baby whipes.. or just water and a paper towel if nothing else. lol

good luck :)

Answer #5

and why do you put make up on are you gay???

Answer #6

I would get some eyeshadow and get some make up remover.

Answer #7

oh and yea… get some actual eye shadow too… using marker isn’t excactly a good idea =]

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