Eyebrow Rubbing.

I have a problem where I rub my eyebrow constantly, sometimes even pulling on the hairs. Lately, it’s been exam time and I’ve found myself doing it more and my eyebrows are thinning and are barely there now. No one else that I know has my problem. Could someone help me stop it?

Answer #1

eyebrow rubbing? are you like obsessive compulsive? keep doing things until you feel relieved?

well, I can only advice you divert your feeling.. If you feel like you want to do eyebrow rubbing again or picking its hair, think of something else, get yourself busy until you forgot to do your rituals…

Answer #2

omgosh I have that problem too! most of the time I do it without even knowing tho! …shouldnt be using exclamation marks cause that is bad.. but um…yea I got extra pimples from doing that cause of the oils on my hands.but I dunno I just had to catch myself and stop it. im 15 by the way :) hope I helped :D

Answer #3

I definitely have this problem to, and it has gotten bad. My parents and friends have both started to notice it and each time I go to rub they yell at me to stop.

Mainly it is just my left eyebrow never my right one…Just like you I don’t know anyone else who does this. I have even tried looking around at people and just maybe catch them in the act, well it didn’t work.

The only thing I can tell you to do is when your at home get some type of bandage and wrap it around your head so that it covers your eyebrows, that way you can’t rub them and it will also turn your all nervous system around and then when your out in public you want have the urge to rub anymore.

I hope I helped you out some.

Oh, and also it this eyebrow rubbing thing is something called “Trichotillomania” if you look it up it could really HELP you out…trust me.

Answer #4

Omg my husband has this same problem, he does it when he sits on the couch and watches telly. it has got to the point were I now yell ‘EYEBROWS EYEBROWS’ like an alarm going off when he goes near his brows. Its pretty funny. Poor husband. x

Answer #5

Hi, I’ve been searching for an answer to this myself as I’ve also been rubbing & pulling on my eyebrows for quite a while … The last few years of my life have been anxiety-ridden & I think the eyebrow issue is a result of constant thinking & worrying, only it doesn’t stop w/my eyebrows, I rub my head too! I’m pretty sure it has everything to do w/thinking, analyzing, worrying, anxiety … I don’t feel so “weird” now that I know I’m not the only one =/

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