Lip. (:

I’m planning on getting my lip pierced over Christmas break.. I can deal with pain if it’s something I need bad enough. I just want to know ways to take care of it and stuff. Any help will be great!. [:

Answer #1

okay when you get it peirced they give you a thing to wash it with and clean it with or they tell you what to do themselves (the professionals) they’ll tell you what to do. p.s. youll loook reeaallii good with a lip peircing. but perhaps a stud and not a hoop. :)

Answer #2

Yeah im sure if you ask them they will let you know…And my friends cousin has a lip piercing.. She put vaseline on it every morning and night. She said she did that so it will heal up quicker. And watch to keep it clean! lol…GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! :-)

Answer #3

I’m sure the people at the piercing place will tell you how to care for it, and such. If that’s not the case, there are loads of sites that help you with piercing care. Take this one for example ;

Answer #4

I have my lip pierced, getting it pierced doesnt hurt, just make sure that you dont have to take it out for even a semi long period of time or it will close up, I’ve had mine for over a year and it will still close if I take it out. and if you have to then buy a clear retainer to fill the hole. forcing the ring back through the hole if it closes up really really hurts. I’ve had to do it 3 times. make sure to move it around and clean all the gunk off the ring itself, buy some sea salt and wash your mouth out with warm water and sea salt multiple times a day, just make sure it doesnt get infected and you’ll be fine.

Enjoy ^_^

Answer #5

I used to work in a piercing/tattoo parlor. They person who pierced it will give you instructions and a piece of paper on how to care for the piercing. It will hurt - all piercings do - but it’s not unbearable.

To care for it:

-Everytime you eat something - you have to clean the piercing -Use warm sea salt water to clean the piercing, you can use a spray bottle for the outside of the piercing. -Do not change the piercing for 3 months. Give it enough time to heal completely before you change the ring.

Answer #6

Ask the piercer when you go to get it done. They’ll do all the right ways to properly care for it.

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