Eye site prob not sure whats the matter

Hey it’s me again well for the past week I’ve been noticeing every now and then my eyes just blur out for a couple of minuites and I cant see but hwen I get them checked by a docter I’ve got 20/20 vision. I don’t know whats the hecks wrong with them liek soem times they last a hour some times a second like 2 sconds ago I had one and then liek 4 minuites. And I go to school and its affecting my work when I pass up my work normally I get everything right because msot of my work is easy stuff but when my vision blurs I’ve got liek 100 mistakes because when it blurres out ofr a few seconds in stead of write a you I wrute a why so I have to restart that sentence and we use pens! Its annoying not being able to see. I’ve tried everything I know of see a docter use eye drops but nothing works and it sucks a houir one has only happend once but I didnt do any work because on each subject we get only 50 minuites of work time then we go to the next and do that for homework.I desprately need jhelp any siggestiosn?

Answer #1

Nah its probs not a lazy eye… thats usually when your eyes dont quite move together =] Err… maybe see a normal doctor, maybe it could be a symptom of something else, maybe youre just focusing on something for too long, or maybe youre jsut tired.

Not sure lol.

Answer #2

also another thing is lazy eye.

Answer #3

did you go to a normal doctor or an eye doctor? maybe you should see an eye doctor and maybe you need glasses. because this may be the stage leading upto bad vision, I have helll bad vision cant see shiiit! haha, but still I wear contacts and yeah its all good now:) but yeahh that sucks that it affects ya work and stufff (n) hope it works out:) x

Answer #4

try and really convince your doctors theres something wrong. tel them its affecting your work and you have trouble seeing. you can get really hurt if it happens walking down the stairs or driving

Answer #5

I think its because you are staring at something for too long…peoples vision kindof becomes blurry or they get doubled vision…also you could be tired. But your doctor says you have 20/20 vision so thats fine…I really just think its what I said

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