Eye Color Delima?!?!

I will be 15 in a few months, and have always, ALWAYS, hated my eyecolor! They are blue-gray with yellow polka dots. And I have brown hair.. And im thinking about getting brown contacts for my b-day bc everyone says that brown eyes go better with brown hair…Id greatly appreciate some advice…

Answer #1

my friend Tiara got colored contacts and everyone who knew her noticed because her hair is brown and her eyes are brown and the dark blue ones didn’t cover them completely so you could tell. I think you should embrace your eye color and be glad your not normal. normal is weird. :]

Answer #2

your eyes seem like they would look awesome…dont let sum one tell you otherwise…because mostly everyone has brown eyes and brown hair…so in a way..you are unique..:)

Answer #3

I think it would look nice=) But I think your eyecolor right now sounds like a really cool color! If yuou really want to get those contacts, you should totally get em;)

Answer #4

I have brown hair with green eyes. and they have some yellow in them, it makes you unique, no everyone is as lucky to have something like you do.

Answer #5

I love your eyecolor!! Green or Hazel always looks good with brown hair, too!!

Answer #6

I like white contacts with black spirals!!!

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