Extra bleeding! Help?

Okay, well, I just finished my period about maybe five days ago and then Saturday I went to my boyfriends house and he fingered me for a bit but then later that night I got up to use the washroom and I noticed blood on the seat so I was a little worried but went back to sleep with a pantyliner on. I awoke in the morning to use the washroom again and I had noticed that there was blood on the pantyliner. I thought that maybe it was a one time deal but yesterday AND today I have gotten blood in my underwear. It’s not straightout blood. More of a discharge with blood in it. Do I have some sort of urinary tract infection or what? Could I have gotten this from my boyfriend fingering me? What could I have gotten it from? Is this normal? Help!

Answer #1

fingering no, sexual contact in that region yes, aka intercourse/oral sex if he had cuts or blisters in his mouth in which case you could be vulnerable to std’s also, i’m no expert trust me, not even a girl, but UTI(urinary tract infection) could be the cause here, i’d go get it checked but through the syptoms you describe that seems a plausible answer, check this out and research a little bit to learn more:


hope this helps :-), and hope you feel better

Answer #2

Hey, This happens to about 85% of girls, after being fingered. The first few times it happened to me I was scared, but now I know the truth. It is caused but the friction of what is happening, it can make tiny tears in the skin. Similar to about the size of a paper cut. It’s very common, and to prevent this you should use an oil based lubricant (but not around condoms), it will not dry out, and just tell him to be a little more gentle.


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