What are two examples of physical changes and two examples of chemical changes that occur in your home?

give reasons for your classifications :)

Answer #1

Do your own homework.

Answer #2

Chem stuff is anything that changes a substance to become something else.: Burning your food, bleaching hair/ bleaching laundry, chimney fires…

Physics stuff at home is mostly… electricity, magnetism and mechanics

Though I own an experimental nuclear power plant in my basement!

Answer #3


Answer #4

. You feel cold, and decide to have a hot drink, so you put the kettle on. The water gets hot as the molecules get more excited. The water expands a little until boiling point is attained at which point considerable expansion occurs when a small volume of water is turned into a large volume of steam. . Physical Change #1: ….. liquid H20 (water) turns into gaseous H20 (steam) as the kettle boils. . You make your hot beverage and drink it. You are no longer cold. . Your boyfriend arrives, to help you with your science homework. He notices how hot you are and also gets hot himself. He becomes excited and some of his molecules start to expand a bit, as he gets more excited, some of them start to expand a lot. You ask him whether “Coefficient of Linear Expansion” would be a good example of a parameter of physical change to quote in your assignment.
. He thinks not, but suggests that your heavy breathing could be a good example for: . Chemical Change #1: ….. Oxygen (O2) is converted to Carbon Dioxide (CO2) during respiration. . You ask him if he remembered the batteries. He says yes, but could only get some cheap Zinc-Carbon cells, which don’t last very long, though will most likely last long enough. He observes that they function by undergoing a chemical change. . Chemical Change #2: ….. The zinc carbon cell’s negative electrode is oxidized during discharge. . You notice that your bra strap has been over-stretched, becoming elongated and deformed. You wonder if your boyfriend if he knows much about Hooke’s Law. . Physical Change #2: ….. materials stretched beyond the elastic limit allowed by Hooke’s Law suffer a permanent extension.

– Best wishes - Majikthise. .

Answer #5

use of baking soda , making food , boiling water etc moving an object from one place to another , rearranging your room ?

Answer #6

haha you told his ass :D i would’a done the same! he just’a smart ass (;

Answer #7

I like the part where everyone thinks I’m a man today.

Answer #8

aren’t you a man?? hahah jk :)

Answer #9

physical changes:

  1. freezing of ice or anything in the fridge
  2. melting of butter
  3. hot air from showering

chemical changes:

  1. milk turn sour
  2. frying an egg
  3. toasting of bread
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