Ex has serious staring problems

Ok my ex is getting really really annoying hes being an jerk to me and he keeps making excuses 4 why he needs 2 tlk 2 me. Im trying 2 ignore him and every day when I walk by him and his girlfriend, with my boyfriend he stares the whole time and he will like grab his girlfriend and pull her closer 2 him. Its really ridicuous, and its really pissing my boyfriend off. He says he wants 2 punch his lights out for it, but I can deal with him staring at me in the hall way. but he is also in one of my classes and he actually will turn and sit sideways in his desk so he can look back and stare at me. He doesnt say anything, he just stares. The other day the teacher noticed this and told him that he had to sit in his desk facing forwards with his feet under his desk. So he turned a little bit so that his feet were under his desk and still strained his head back 2 look at me. Its getting really really annoying, and I try 2 ignore it but then he will start like coughing really loudly or singing trying 2 get my attention I guess. Its really hard 4 me 2 concentrate when hes doin all this stuff, anyways does anyone have any advice as to how I can get him to stop. I already ignore him and I am very cold to him when he starts to tlk to me. Just please how did I get him 2 stop staring, its driving me insane.

Answer #1

I’ve already tried tlkn 2 the teacher about it and she says to just ignore him but I cant. My grade is actually slipping in this class because of it. and my skools principle and counselor really wont do anything. any other advice???

Answer #2

Talk to your teacher about making him sit somewhere else in the class, far away haha. You could also talk to your counsler or principle if your school is like mine, they should be able to talk to him about leaving you alone. Let me know if it works

Hope I helped

Answer #3

Thankyou for all your advice everyone!!! =) if anyone needs advice you can funmail me, I love giving advice 2 people!!! thankyou so much!!! =) I will try 2 ignore him grrr he makes me angry lol

Answer #4

I would say to just continue ignoring him, tell your boyfriend to forget about it because he obviously is dating you, and if you ex tries to talk to you walk away… Eventually it will stop, but I dont know of anything else you can do, if you ask him to stop he’ll act like your stupid and keep on doing it, and most likely embarass you.

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